Enjoy qualified conference enquiries with a ‘Preferred Partner’ listing for hotels

As a leading MICE service provider in the German-speaking world, we receive enquiries about conference hotels, event venues and meeting rooms on a daily basis.

Yes, I want the conference requests
  • Listing Tagungshotels
    Listing Tagungshotels
How do you benefit as a Preferred Partner Hotel or Venue of the
MICE Service Group?

We act as an agency for our national and international customers,
arranging seminar hotels, meeting rooms and venues across Switzerland and worldwide.

As a digital company, we receive most of our enquiries through our
websites and landing pages. In doing so, we focus on ensuring
visibility on the World Wide Web. As a hotel or venue, you too
will enjoy added visibility by partnering with the MICE Service
Group. And ultimately, you’ll also generate more business.

Your benefits as a Preferred Hotel or Venue:

  • Preferred Hotel oder Location Partnerschaft

Listing on www.miceservice.de, miceservice.ch and

We list your conference hotel/event venue as a Preferred Partner on our country websites. We use targeted measures such as online advertising and e-newsletters to promote our websites, offering you good visibility among the relevant target audience.

Priority when enquiring with our reservation team

Enquiries from Preferred Partners are given priority by our reservation team, increasing your likelihood of securing an event for your property. This has enabled many of our Preferred Partners to not only gain attractive new clients, but also build their relationships with regular returning clients.

Visual presentation with 5 hotel images

Preferred Partners are featured with 5 hotel images on the detailed description pages of our miceservice.ch/miceservice.de/
miceservice.at websites. This gives you more scope to present yourself with impressive images, and gain an advantage over competitors.

Visual presentation of conference rooms with room images

Preferred Partners have the option of featuring images their conference rooms on our miceservice.ch/miceservice.de/miceservice.at websites.

Attractively presenting your conference rooms and meeting venues increases your changes of receiving concrete enquiries.

A month of news on our websites

We publish news from your property on our miceservice.ch/miceservice.
de/miceservice.at websites for an entire month.
News items will appear under the latest articles for a month, and will remain accessible in the archive thereafter.

Communication as a Preferred Partner on our social media channels

We feature your conference hotel/event venue as a recommended property on our social media channels, linking to your listing on our websites. Our social media posts thus reach out to target audiences that may be of interest to you.